Exercises In Offbeat 16th Kick Placement

In this set of exercises you are going to practice some common sixteenth note kick movemens where the kick falls in between two right hands. At the bottom of the page you will find a collection of links to other exercises you may find useful before learning these.

In all exercises you will be given an eighth note right hand part with a kick on a specific 'e' or 'a' count. I have used two forms of notation, the first has kicks and hi hats notated in the same voice, to show more clearly what the rhythm is. The second is in the more standard notation with the hi hat and kick in separate voices. The two versions will be played and counted exactly the same.

Exercise 1

In this exercise you are playing bass drums on all 'e' counts. This gives us an orchestrated version of the '1e+' sixteenth note rhythm.

A 16th kick placement exercise

Exercise 2

In this exercise we are playing kicks on all 'a' counts. This gives us an orchestrated version of '1 +a' sixteenth note rhythm.

A 16th kick placement exercise

Exercise 3

In this version there is a kick on the 'a' count after beat 2.

A 16th kick placement exercise

Exercise 4

In this version there is a kick on the 'e' count after beat 1.

A 16th kick placement exercise

Exercise 5

In this version there is a kick on the 'a' count after beat 4.

A 16th kick placement exercise

Exercise 6

In this version there is a kick on the 'e' count after beat 3.

A 16th kick placement exercise


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of at least 150bpm.
  • Orhcestrate the right hand around various other parts of the kit.
  • Add snares on counts 2 and 4 to create a common time groove.


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