Having trouble playing your favourite songs? We can help!
We can provide very detailed walk throughs of any song you need help with. Guides are completely customised to your specifications, which you can give either on the initial request or add in after the guide is completed. We can even include audio and midi files if you need them.
Because of the time involved in making these guides we like to ensure they are absolutely necessary before giving a quote. Any basic questions about counting and sticking can be asked over email, there is no charge involved in this. We can also over advise on what rudiments or exercises would be beneficial to practice based on parts of a song, again this can be done over email free of charge. Finally there is our Lessons section which has a large collection of lessons all free of charge. If the parts of a song you are looking to learn are covered here, we will point you in the right direction.
Guides don't have to be for complete songs either. Maybe you've found a short section of a complex song you really want to try, or there's a cool idea in a drum solo you've seen that you'd really like to play, we can help with all of this.
To show you just how great these transcription guides can be, have a look through this free example of a guide to the Green Day song 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'.
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