A brief introduction to what note values are and why they are important to learn.
A collection of free lessons that will help you develop your knowledge of music theory. This set of articles focuses on note values, which is how lengths of notes are desribed in notation.
A brief introduction to what note values are and why they are important to learn.
Information on this hollow headed note value that lasts four beats and can fill a bar of 4/4.
This is an absolutely essential topic to at least know the basics of as it is the basis of all things rhythmic. Learn what the two numbers mean and what you will and won't see in a time signature.
Detailed information on this note hollow headed value that lasts for two beats.
Information on this solid headed note value that lasts for one beat.
Information on this note value that lasts for half a beat. This lessons includes information on notation and counting.
A lesson on counting and notating this note value that lasts one quarter of a beat.
Rests refer to empty space in music and are a reading essential. This lesson shows all notation involved in this topic
This lesson outlines the time signatures you will come across in level 1 and gives a brief overview of them.
In many lessons counting marks are used to clarify the rhythm of exercises. This lesson discusses the basics of reading and applying counting.
This lesson expands on the idea of counting by providing a useful tool for learning rhythm.
Continue learning about applying counting with these four bar snare rhythms. This time the exercises use only whole and half notes.
An introductory guide to counting simple two bar snare rhythms that are made up of quarter and eighth notes.
Continue learning new rhythm ideas with this grouping of four sixteenth notes with the fourth note removed.
A rhythmic grouping built from four semi quavers with the second note removed.
A continuation of your rhythmic development. Construct 16th note rhythms by removing the third note in each group of four.
A new note value grouping made of three semi quavers starting on the 'e' count.
Continue learning about applying counting with these four bar snare rhythms. This time the exercises use only whole and half notes.
This lesson explains how notes can be extended using dots. Learn about the notation and counting involved here.
Another way of extending notes that works in a similar way to dotted notes.
A subdivision that involves playing three equal notes in the space of one beat. This lesson discusses counting, sticking and application of this note value.
A subdivision that involves splitting the note into six equal beats. Learn about its notation and application here.
A note value that splits the beat into 5 equal parts, similar to the the triplet and sextuplet.
An overview of all time signatures used in level 2 lessons.
A high speed note value that lasts 1/8 of a beat. Learn about its notation and counting in this lesson.
A specific syncopated rhythm built from set groupings of notes.