Semi Quaver Groupings - 1 e +

This lesson continues developing the ideas presented in our previous Semi Quaver Groupings lessons. In the last grouping we are going to cover you are going to remove the fourth semi quaver of each grouping of four. Which will look like this:

The second semi quaver grouping

Again, the sticking for a single stroke roll is preserved, when we remove the fourth semi quaver we also remove a left hand stroke and play the next on the right again.

Like in the last exercise we can notate this without the rest:

The second semi quaver grouping with the rest removed


  1. Practice the rhythm until you can play it at 120bpm.

Listed below are four orchestrations for this rhythm:

Example 1

The second semi quaver grouping orchestrated

Example 2

The second semi quaver grouping orchestrated

Example 3

The second semi quaver grouping orchestrated

Example 4

The second semi quaver grouping orchestrated


  1. Practice all orchestrations on this sheet and add in your own feet patterns.
  2. Create your own orchestrations, look back at our rudiment orchestration collection for ideas.


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