About The Crotchet / Quarter Note Information on this solid headed note value that lasts for one beat.
Bar Lines Bar lines are used to communicate structural information, here you will learn about the different types commonly used.
Bar Numbers Bar numbers are shown at the start of each line of a score. Learn about specific features of these here.
Categorizing Your Playing Learn about different areas of drumming, what they mean and how to improve them.
Counting 4/4 Snare Rhythms Quiz Put your ability to apply counting to the test in this free quiz on working out the counting for a 4/4 snare rhythm.
Counting Bars With Dotted Notes Quiz See how good you are at applying counting to snare drum rhythms that contain dotted notes.
Counting Bars With Rests Quiz See how good you are at applying counting to snare drum rhythms that contain rests.
Counting Bars With Tied Notes Quiz See how good you are at applying counting to snare drum rhythms that contain dotted notes.
Counting Building Blocks This lesson expands on the idea of counting by providing a useful tool for learning rhythm.
Counting Semi Quaver Groupings Quiz See how well you know your countings for different 16th note groupings.
Counting Snare Drum Rhythms Including Semi Breves And Minims Continue learning about applying counting with these four bar snare rhythms. This time the exercises use only whole and half notes.
Counting Snare Drum Rhythms Including Semi Quavers Continue learning about applying counting with these four bar snare rhythms. This time the exercises use only whole and half notes.
Counting Snare Drum Rhythms Made Of Crotchets And Quavers An introductory guide to counting simple two bar snare rhythms that are made up of quarter and eighth notes.
Counting, An Introduction In many lessons counting marks are used to clarify the rhythm of exercises. This lesson discusses the basics of reading and applying counting.