Taking the orchestration idea of playing each beats worth of rudiment on a different drum and building fills from it.
A collection of free lessons discussing fill construction using the Single Stroke Four.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing each beats worth of rudiment on a different drum and building fills from it.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing each beats worth of rudiment ending on the beat on a different drum and building fills from it.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing the first note on a different drum to the rest and building fills from it.
Constructing fills from a single stroke four split into groups of two.
A rhythmic variation on the groups of two fill that has the rudiment end on the beat rather than start on it.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing each beats worth of rudiment ending on the beat on a different drum and building fills from it.
Varying the orchestration of our single stroke 4 ending on a kick fill construction idea to a more specific and very common shape.
Taking the straight single stroke four and replacing the first note with a kick, then applying orchestrations to create complex sound fills.
Taking the straight single stroke four and replacing the second note with a kick, then applying orchestrations to create complex sound fills.
Taking the straight single stroke four and replacing the first note with a kick, then applying orchestrations to create complex sound fills.
Varying the orchestration of a single stroke 4 to create some complex sounding fills.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing each beats worth of rudiment ending on the beat on a different drum and building fills from it.
Taking the orchestration idea of playing the first note on a different drum to the rest and building fills from it in 6/8.