In this lesson you will be learning a variation of the dotted 8th over straight 8th exercise which you can find linked at the bottom of the page. The aim of the lesson will be the same as that, to improve your hand co ordination by playing two separate rhythms with each hand. The variation comes in the form of a double stroke movement within the dotted eighth rhythm. I will present this lesson in the same way as the previous one, which was in a step by step manner. I'll start by giving the dotted note rhythm which is shown below. In the notation I have included the count and the notes that are played are highlighted.
It would be worth spending some time getting this rhythm firmly planted in your head. It isn't the easiest of rhythms so be prepared to spend a little time working on it. The next step is going to be adding in straight eighth notes at the same time, some people actually find this easier than playing the rhythm on its own where others find it really difficult. At the botto mof the page you will find a collection of lessons that you may find useful when learning the part.
The final aim is to be able to shift your focus to either rhythm and ignore the other. You'll know you're doing it right when the part does become two independent rhythms being played together rather than a mechanical exercise. An 'Introductory Exercise' was provided in a previous lesson that focused on the timing and placement between hands. If you haven't covered this already it may be worth looking at.
Exercise 1
In this version you will play eighths on the right hand and the basic rhythm on the left, which will involve playing some left hands in between the rights.
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 reversed. So eighths on the left and the basic rhythm on the right.
Exercise 3
As in the previous lesson, let's try extending the rhythm over two bars. When the pattern is repeated there is a short pause in the basic rhythm.
Exercise 4
Exercise 3 with the hands reversed.
- Learn all exercises at a tempo of at least 140bpm.
- Experiment with different orchestrations.
- Add feet underneath as quarter notes. This will give you three separate rhythms.
- Try extending the pattern over four bars.