On this page is a simple groove. The lesson is presented in a step by step format based on the Rhythm First reading method. If you prefer the Left To Right method feel free to skip later into the lesson for the complete groove.
The rhythm for this groove is shown below. To make sure you are playing this correctly there is a counting checker below the image. Enter the counting here, click 'check' and it will tell you if you have it right. You may use '+', '&' or 'and' to represent quaver (eight note) counts.

Check your counting in the box above. Play this rhythm until you have memorized it correctly.
Next we 'orchestrate' the rhythm between kicks and snares.

Play the pattern above. You should be able to play it 8 times in a row at a tempo of at least 100bpm. Remember, the rhythm is the same as in the first step.
Next we add quarter note hi hats to the orchestration above:

Play the pattern above. You should be able to play it 8 times in a row at a tempo of at least 100bpm.
Notice that some of the bass drums now fall in between two hi hats. This is where your counting becomes very useful.
Finally, change the quarter note hi hats to eighth note hi hats.

Play the pattern above. You should be able to play it 8 times in a row at a tempo of at least 100bpm.
- As with your first groove, play a pattern that switches between the final two exercises. Start by playing 1 bar of the groove with Crotchet hi hats followed by 1 bar of quaver hi hats.
- Repeat the last task but play 2 bars of each part.
- Repeat the last task but play 4 bars of each part.
A list of other lessons you may find useful before studying this area.
- Notation basics – Including basic note values, parts of the kit and repeat marks.
- Rhythm basics – Including quarter and eighth notes.
- The 2 minute rule – This is a practice technique that I strongly recommend using.
- Counting – Counting is given in all exercises but you will need to know what it means.