Using Imitation In An 'R L L F' Fill

The fills in this lesson will all follow the 'R L L F' sticking and will involve playing the pattern once then 'imitating' it on something else. Imitation is where a small phrase is copied and played with some kind of small variation. In this case you will be using contrasting sounds to create this affect.

This idea is actually really easy to apply, it just takes a little thought to make the most of. A good example of how you will be applying this would be if the first occurance of the 'R L L F' was played with the hands on the hi hat followed by a second occurance with the hands on the floor tom. The two different sounds used are about as different as you can get on the drum kit so have a very nice contrast. The use of different voicings is the key to this idea so expect to see things like playing on the rim of the drum and items of percussion to show up here a lot.

As well as changes to orchestration, changes in dynamics are also very affective. In each example shown below you will be presented with a variation on the basic 'R L L F' pattern that you can apply as a fill. Remember to treat each idea as an example of fill construction, take it and play around with it to create a part you like the sound of.

Example 1

A fill based on the R L L F pattern

Example 2

A fill based on the R L L F pattern

Example 3

A fill based on the R L L F pattern

Example 4

A fill based on the R L L F pattern

Example 5

A fill based on the R L L F pattern

Example 6

A fill based on the R L L F pattern


  1. Using the 2 minute rule, get the fills up to a tempo of at least 135bpm.
  2. Apply the examples as fills in a Four or Eight bar structured piece.



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