Delayed Right Hand Crotchets In 12/8 Grooves A rhythmic variation on a previous 12/8 right hand rhythm that involves playing quarter notes an eighth note later.
Delayed Right Hand Crotchets In 6/8 A rhythmic variation on a previous 6/8 right hand rhythm that involves playing quarter notes an eighth note later.
Double Stroke Dotted 8th Over Quarter Notes Hand Exercise A variation on a similar exercise, this time one rhythm uses a syncopated double stroke style movement.
Double Stroke Dotted 8th Over Straight Quavers Hand Exercise A variation on a similar exercise, this time one rhythm uses a syncopated double stroke style movement.
Double Time Grooves In 3/4 Taking previous double time groove construction ideas and applying them in the time signature of 3/4.s
Double Time Grooves In 7/4 Taking previous double time groove construction ideas and applying them in the time signature of 7/4.
Double Time Grooves In 9/8 Taking previous double time groove construction ideas and applying them in the time signature of 9/8.
Double Time Grooves In Swing Time Play grooves with a quicker feel within a swung sixteenth note timing.
Double Time Grooves With 16th Note Right Hands Double time grooves that have a quicker right hand part.
Double Time Grooves With The Left Foot Counting Crotchets Use quarter notes on the left foot as a time keeping device whilst playing double time.
Double Time Grooves With The Left Foot Counting Quavers Use eighth notes on the left foot as a time keeping device whilst playing double time.
Eight Sixteenth Note Fills In 7/8 A relatively simple 7/8 fill idea where a block of eight sixteenth notes is used then positioned at various points within the bar.
Eighth Note '322' Ride Bell Accents In 7/8 Grooves A set aceented eighth note right hand movement for grooves in 7/8
Eighth Note 2 3 Ride Bell Accents In 5/8 Grooves A set eighth note right hand movement for grooves in 5/8
Eighth Note 3 2 Ride Bell Accents In 5/8 Grooves A set eighth note right hand movement for grooves in 5/8
Eighth Note Grooves Avoiding The Quarter Notes Applying the concept of displacement to just the kick and snare parts in a slightly different way.
Eighth Note Hand To Foot Triplets With A Sixteenth Note Kick A specific grouping of eight and sixteenth notes within a common triplet movement.
Eighth Note Triplet 'Kick Snare Snare' Fills A fill construction idea based on using the hands and feet in blocks of eighth note triplet.
Exercises In Offbeat 16th Kick Placement A variation on a similar exercise, this time one rhythm uses a syncopated double stroke style movement.
Fills Constructed With A 'RLRLRF' Movement In 9/8 Applying the 'RLRLRF' fill building block in the time signature of 9/8.