9/8 Fills Following A '7+8 9+' Rhythm Creating a simple 9/8 fill using a mixture of eighth and sixteenth notes.
9/8 Grooves Accenting Dotted Quarter Notes || Free Groove Construction Lesson A right hand accent placement idea that falls on an offbeat.
9/8 Grooves Accenting Every Third Stroke A right hand accent placement idea that falls on an offbeat.
9/8 Grooves In Simple Time A introduction to playing grooves in the time signature of 9/8 using simple time.
9/8 Grooves With A Delayed Crotchet Right Hand A rhythmic variation on a previous 9/8 right hand rhythm that involves playing quarter notes an eighth note later.
9/8 Grooves With A Dotted Eighth Note Right Hand An odd, syncopated, backbeat idea for your 6/8 grooves that will distort the feel of the part.
9/8 Grooves With A Dotted Quarter Note Left Foot Count Apply the idea of keeping a count on the left foot to 9/8 grooves.
9/8 Grooves With A Snare Drum On Count 7 || Free Groove Lesson A snare placement concept for 9/8 grooves.
9/8 Grooves With An Eighth Note Left Foot Count Apply the idea of keeping a count on the left foot to 9/8 grooves.
9/8 Grooves With Quarter Note Right Hands || Free Groove Constuction Lesson A variation of the right hand in 9/8 grooves.
Accenting 'a' Counts With Open Hi Hats Some ideas for accenting 'a' counts with open hi hats within grooves.
Accenting 'e' Counts With Open Hi Hats Some ideas for accenting 'e' counts with open hi hats within grooves.
Accenting Dotted Crotchet Ride Bells In 12/8 Use the ride bell in combination with the ride to give your 12/8 grooves a bit more depth.
Accenting Every Third Note With A Ride Bell In 6/8 Grooves Use the ride bell in an odd placement to give your 6/8 grooves a bit more depth.
Adding A 16th Note Kick Afer Beat 2 Of A 6/8 Groove Add in additional kicks to spice up your 6/8 grooves.
Adding A 16th Note Kick Afer Beat 4 Of A 6/8 Groove Add in additional kicks to spice up your 6/8 grooves.
Adding A 16th Note Kick Afer Beat 5 Of A 6/8 Groove Add in additional kicks to spice up your 6/8 grooves.
Adding A 16th Note Kick After Beat 1 Of A 6/8 Groove Add in additional kicks to spice up your 6/8 grooves.
Adding A 16th Note Kick After Beat 6 Of A 6/8 Groove Add in additional kicks to spice up your 6/8 grooves.