Replacing The 4th And 5th Stroke Of A Single Stroke 7 With A Kick

In this lesson you will be further exploring the idea of replacing notes within a Single Stroke Seven with kicks. In this case you will be replacing the fourth and fifth notes of the roll with bass drums. This can be done on either a single or double pedal and I will show notation for both. The groupings of this fill highlight its triplet basis whilst also creating a sound that 'pre empts' the accent.

The kicks will come in very quickly and requires a lot of control with the feet. It will be well worth going back through our level 1 and 2 exercises on foot co ordination, independence and speed to help build up the necessary skills for this fill.

The fill is half a bar long so can be fit twice into a bar of 4/4. Remember, when replacing notes in a roll with feet the original sticking continues throughout. The basic un orchestrated pattern looks like this:

The basic pattern.

Spend some time working on this exercise, making sure that the bass drums falls exactly in the right spot. Once you can play the fill at a tempo of around 120bpm have a go at some of the orchestrations below.

Example 1

Move the first part of the fill around the toms.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 2

A second idea for moving around the toms.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 3

Play the pre emptive note on a tom.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 4

Use only the floor tom.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 5

Using only cymbals for the hands.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercise up to a tempo of around 130bpm.
  • Create your own fills using this idea.
  • Apply all fills to a phrased example.

Below is a short piece that en corporates the fill idea from this lesson:

A short piece applying the fill


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