Adding A Kick Before The Quarter Note Of A Seven Stroke Roll

In this lesson you will be creating a fill based on a Single Stroke Seven that replaces the last note of the sextuplet with a kick. This simple variation in orchestration creates a more complex sound pattern and creates space for the addition of Flams or other two handed ideas for the quarter note.

The kick drum will come in very quickly and requires a lot of control over the right foot. It will be well worth going back through our level 1 and 2 exercises on foot co ordination and independence to help build up the necessary skills for this fill.

The fill is half a bar long so can be fit twice into a bar of 4/4. The basic un orchestrated pattern looks like this:

The basic pattern.

Spend some time working on this exercise and making sure that the bass drum falls exactly in the right spot. Once you can play the fill at a tempo of around 120bpm have a go at some of the orchestrations below.

Example 1

Play the sextuplet on the floor tom followed by a flam on the snare.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 2

Roll around the kit in groups of two and end on a flam.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 3

A simple orchestration for the sextuplet followed by a snare and crash.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 4

Using the lower pitched toms.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum

Example 5

Using hi hats and splashes.

A single stroke 7 fill using a kick drum


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercise up to a tempo of around 130bpm.
  • Create your own fills using this idea.
  • Apply all fills to a phrased example.

Below is a short piece that en corporates the fill idea from this lesson:

A short piece applying the fill


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