In this lesson on playing fills in the Time Signature Of 6/4 you will be playing a fill that covers the last two beats of the bar. These fills will be similar to those in our One Beat Fills In 6/4 only fill up an extra beat of the bar. This could be thought of as the equivalent to playing a bar of 4/4 as groove followed by a bar of 2/4 as fill. The reason you would notate this in 6/4 rather than split over two bars is usually down to the phrasing of the piece of music as a whole.
Various ideas for grooves have been taken from our level 1 and level 2 grooves lessons. A variety of rhythms and rudiments have been used for the fills.
Example 1
A simple groove with eight sixteenth notes for the fill.
Example 2
A simple groove followed by a fill made up of a dragged sixteenth note grouping.
Example 3
The groove here uses Offbeat 16th Note Snares and the fill is an orchestrated Single Stroke Seven.
Example 4
This groove is in Half Time. The fill is an Accented set of 16th notes.
Example 5
A groove using 16th Note Groupings Accented With Ride Bells and the fill is a Backwards Roll.
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises upto a tempo of at least 120bpm.
- Play a four bar phrase in 6/4 where the fourth contains a two beat fill. Repeat this phrase over.
- Create your own two beat fill in 6/4.