In this lesson you will be developing your foot work by going back to the Double Paradiddle and playing it on the feet rather than the hands. This require a bit of co ordination and independance with your feet, but the exercise will help improve this. Check out our level 1 and level 2 exercises lists for more exercises for developing these areas of your playing.
You will be given two sets of double paradiddle exercises for the feet, each using a different note value. For each note value you will be given a version where the feet are split between the bass drum and hi hat and a second version using double bass drum. If you don't have a double pedal or two bass drums on your kit, the hi hat and bass drum exercise acheives exactly the same thing. These exercises are constructed in a similar way to our Single Stroke Roll On The Feet and Double Stroke Roll but using the paradiddle sticking.
When playing these exercises make sure your left foot is playing at the same volume as the right. Because this is generally your weaker foot it may need some attention.
Eighth Note Exercises
You will start with a very slow version of the exercise using eighth note triplets. This exercises will familiarize you with the way the feet work and get your left foot working a bit more before you start speeding things up in the next two exercises.
Hi Hat And Bass Drum

Double Kick

Sixteenth Note Exercises
Next you are going to double up the note values and play the same patterns as sixteenth note triplets. Nothing has changed here except the speed of the exercise.
Hi Hat And Bass Drum

Double Kick

- Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercise up to a tempo of around 100bpm.
- Play hands in time with the feet.