This lessons follows on from our Standard Paradiddle Sticking lesson. It will be much easier to follow if you are familiar with the content from that lesson. All exercises on this page should look very familiar as they are similar those used for the Single Stroke and Double Stroke roll lessons on a similar subject.
Adding feet under a snare exercise is a very useful thing to do as it will help develop foot technique at the same time as working on your hands. It will also improve independence and co ordination as well as your natural time keeping. This is particularly true with a paradiddle as the sticking is now slightly more complicated.
Through this set of exercises you will be playing the rudiment as eighth notes and slowly building up the complexity of the feet patterns used underneath. All exercises will involve playing something with a foot at exactly the same time as playing something with a hand. It is hugely important that these notes are played exactly at the same time so I strongly recommend you work through the lessons in this Hand to Foot Syncronization Exercise.
In the first three exercises shown below you will be playing minims on the feet whilst the hands are playing eighth notes. These are nice slow and simple exercises to get you comfortable with the co ordination involved. In the set of exercises that follows the feet will be sped up. Remember, the hands will always be following a paradiddle sticking. A note has been given with each exercise to explain what is happening.
In the single stroke roll exercises I said 'any time a right hand hits, so will a foot', this is very rarely the case with paradiddles. Pay attention to where the feet fall and make sure everything hits where it should.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of at least 130bpm with good hand technique.
- Play all 3 exercises as a continuous 3 bar pattern, then repeat.
In the next set of exercises the hands are still played as quavers but the feet are now played as crotchets.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all 4 exercises up to a tempo of at least 130bpm.
- Take two of the exercises above and turn them into a 2 bar long repeated pattern.