'A A A B A C' Structure In 5/4

In this lesson you will be learning a simple variation on the A A A B A C structural idea that just involves switching the time signature to 5/4. If you haven't already, it is worth looking over the linked lesson to learn about how this structure works and why yoy might use it.

The intention of this lesson is to try and familiarize you with this style of pattern whilst playing in the time signature of 5/4. The exercises shown below will just be a new combination of existing groove and fill ideas, it is the 'cut short' feel of the six bar phrase that you are working on.

That structure for these exercises will look like this:

A six bar phrase made up 5 lots of A followed by a B.

Listed below are several example of this structure with a drum kit part applied. I have used a variety of different construction ideas but feel free to create your own parts.

Example 1

A six bar phrase made of two parts.

Example 2

A six bar phrase made of two parts.

Example 3

A six bar phrase made of two parts.

Example 4

A six bar phrase made of two parts.

Example 5

A six bar phrase made of two parts.


  1. Using the 2 minute rule, get all phrases up to a tempo of at least 130bpm.
  2. Create your own versions of these patterns based on the original phrase.


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