About The Crotchet / Quarter Note Information on this solid headed note value that lasts for one beat.
Bar Lines Bar lines are used to communicate structural information, here you will learn about the different types commonly used.
Bar Numbers Bar numbers are shown at the start of each line of a score. Learn about specific features of these here.
D.C. Al Coda A way of repeating large sections of music that involve returning to that start of a piece. This lesson includes two example pieces.
D.S. Al Coda A form of notation used to show repition of large parts of music that involve jumping back to a specific point in the song.
Drum Kit Notation, An Introduction To Reading Drumscore Sheet Music Introducing Drum Kit Notation: A Guide for drumscore.com
Dynamics Dynamics refer to the volume music is played at. This lesson lists the different markings you will come across and describes what they mean.
General Sheet Music Reading Tips Some quick tips to help you learn a piece of music from sheet music.
Ghost Notes Ghost notes are small bracketed notes that often cause confusion in notation. Learn about variations on notation and how to play them in this lesson.
Note Heads These are the 'blobs' and 'x's you see scattered about drum kit notation and different forms of note head mean different things. Learn more in this free lesson.
Note Values, An Introduction A brief introduction to what note values are and why they are important to learn.
Parts Of The Kit Quiz Test your knowledge of drum kit notation with this quiz on where parts of the kit are written.
Quaver / Eighth Note Information on this note value that lasts for half a beat. This lessons includes information on notation and counting.
Repeat Mark Bar Lines To save space when notating double bar lines with dots can be used to show sections that are played multiple times. Learn about the notation and theory of that here.
Repeat Mark Bar Lines With Numbered Brackets Sometimes when repeating a phrase the last bar or so may need to be different on one occurance. This notation accounts for that by placing a bracket with a number above those bars.