'e + a 1' Crash Placement Fills

In this lesson you will be extending the ideas presented in our level 2 lesson for placing crashes on the 'a' and 1 counts. It would be well worth reviewing this lessons if you haven't already. For the fills on this page the crashes will be falling on the 'e', '+' and 'a' after beat 4 followed by the 1 at the start of the next bar. This now gives you four quick 16th notes in a row which you will be playing as a standard single stroke sticking. This is also an extention of our level 3 lesson following an '+ a 1' Movement.

Written below are several examples of this crash placement applied in various ways. This part works well as a little addition to the end of a bar of groove or as the end of a full on fill.

Common Time, Eighth Note Right Hand

The concept applied to a common time groove with eighth note right hands

Common Time, Quarter Note Right Hand

The concept applied to a common time groove with quarter note right hands

Half Time

The concept applied to a half time groove with eighth note right hands

Double Time

The concept applied to a double time groove

Roll Based Fill

The concept applied to a roll based fill

Rhythm Based Fill

The concept applied to a rhythm based fill


  1. Learn all examples upto a tempo of at least 130bpm.
  2. Use different kick and snare combinations in each example.
  3. Add each example into one of the structures we have covered previously.


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