'RLRLFF' Sextuplet Fills Using The Triangle Orchestration Constucting fast fills using sixteenth note triplets split between the hands and feet.
16th Note Triplet Hand To Foot Fill Construction A fill construction idea based on using the hands and feet in a quick grouping of 3.
8th Note Triplet Subdivision Exercise A hand speed exercise built on the basic principles of subdivision within an eighth note triplet.
Accents And Ghost Notes A fill that uses two ghost notes to make the remaining notes stand out that little bit more.
Co-Ordination Exercise Using Sixteenth Note Triplets Speeding up the previous independence exercises by using 16th note triplets then combining with 8th note triplets.
FLRLRL Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the first beat of each group. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.
Full Bar RLRLFF Fills Around The Kit Constucting fast fills using sixteenth note triplets split between the hands and feet.
Full Bar Sextuplet Fills As Straight Rolls Constucting fast fills using sixteenth note triplets played as single strokes..
Half Bar Sextuplet Fills As Straight Rolls Constucting fast fills using sixteenth note triplets played as single strokes..
Hi Hat Pattern Construct a single stroke 7 fill by orchestrating on the hi hat and adding some accents.
Note Values, An Introduction A brief introduction to what note values are and why they are important to learn.
Quarter Bar Sextuplet Fills As Straight Rolls Constucting fast fills using sixteenth note triplets played as single strokes..
RFRLRL Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the 2nd count. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.
RLFLRL Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the 3rd count. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.
RLRFRL Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the 4th count. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.
RLRLFF Sextuplet Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with two kicks at the end of the block.
RLRLFL Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the 5th count. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.
RLRLRF Six Note Grouping Sticking Pattern A six note pattern that breaks up a single stroke roll with a kick on the 6th count. This exercise is shown across several different rhythms.