'1 2 4' Exercise With Different Rudiments On The Feet Revisiting a level 1 exercise to improve your foot work using a variety of rudiments.
'4 5 6' Exercise A broken down version of the '1234568' exercise to focus on hand speed and quintuplet use.
'4 6 8' Exercises A broken down version of the '1234568' exercise to focus more on pushing hand speed.
16th To 32nd Singles Hand Speed Exercise Develop your hand speed using 16th notes, 32nd notes and a single stroke sticking.
Accenting '+' Counts In A Single Stroke Roll A lesson on adding '+' count accents to single stroke rolls.
Accenting 'a' Counts In A Single Stroke Roll A lesson on adding 'a' count accents to single stroke rolls.
Accenting 'e' Counts In A Single Stroke Roll A lesson on adding 'e' count accents to single stroke rolls.
Accenting A 16th Note Single Stroke Roll Learn some simple single accent placements within a 16th note single stroke roll.
Accenting Left Hand Strokes In A Single Stroke Roll A lesson on adding accents to all left hands in a single stroke roll.
Accenting Right Hand Strokes In A Single Stroke Roll A lesson on adding accents to all right hands in a single stroke roll.
Accents And Ghost Notes A fill that uses two ghost notes to make the remaining notes stand out that little bit more.
Adding Eighth Note Feet To The Single Stroke 9 Adding eighth note feet ostinatos to the single stroke 9 both starting and ending on the beat.
Adding Quarter Note Feet To The Single Stroke 9 Adding quarter note feet ostinatos to the single stroke 9 both starting and ending on the beat.
Backwards Roll (Single Stroke 7) Move around the kit backwards in this interesting single stroke 7 fill.
Cymbal Groupings Of Two Create a slightly syncopated fill where the notes are split into groups of two across different cymbals and drums.