• Rests Quiz

    Provide relevent information about a rest from the given picture.

  • Structure Markings

    Structure markings are shown in the left margin to help keep your place, learn about the abbreviations used here.

  • Structure Markings Quiz

    You will be given a structure marking abbreviation along with four options for it's meaning, click the option you think is correct.

  • Tempo

    Tempo refers to the speed a piece of music is played at, learn more in this free lesson.

  • Ties vs Rests vs Dots

    Read about the differences between these forms of extending a note and which to use in which situation.

  • Time Signatures

    This is an absolutely essential topic to at least know the basics of as it is the basis of all things rhythmic. Learn what the two numbers mean and what you will and won't see in a time signature.

  • Unison Notes

    A lesson explaining how to notate two of the same note played at the same time.

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