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Brant Bjork And The Operators (Full Album) Drum Sheet Music


Score Details

Artist Brant Bjork
Compilation Brant Bjork And The Operators
Album Cover Art


Complete and annotated drum sheet music (score) in PDF format for the song Brant Bjork And The Operators (Full Album) by Brant Bjork.

This score is real drum music and not a drum tab which is music shorthand. It includes accents, vocal queues, cymbals, and complex stick patterns that are impossible to show in drum tab shorthand.

Complete and annotated drum sheet music (score) for the album Brant Bjork And The Operators by Brant Bjork.
This download includes the following transcriptions in PDF format:

Hinda 65
Smarty Pants
My Ghettoblaster
Electric Lalli Land
From The Ground Up (We Just Stay The Same)
Cheap Wine
Cocoa Butter
Joey's Radio
Captain Lovestar
Hinda65 (Return Flight)

Purchase as you would a single song, links to all your files will be sent in one email.