This lesson follows on from our Simple Tom Grooves lesson and provides an easy way to vary the part by following our Moving The Left Hand concept. You will be avoiding using cymbals in these patterns but snares are an option. In some cases you will be moving around two different parts of the kit with the left hand. Below are some examples of how you can create new grooves by moving the left hand in a tom groove. In each example you are shown an eighth note version and a quarter note version. I haven't covered using just the snare as this was shown in our Moving The Right Hand lesson. Only simple kick patterns have been included, experiment with mixing these up a little.
Example 1
Use the mid tom.
Example 2
Use floor toms. Note the odd note head on beats 2 and 4 are Unison Notes so you be playing the floor tom with both hands there.
Example 3
On beat 2 play a snare and on beat 4 a tom. The high tom is shown in this example but the mid or floor tom would work just as well.
Example 4
Play a snare on beat 2 and 4 followed by an extra tom on the '+' count following it. In this example a high tom and mid tom have been used.
Example 5
As in example 4 but only play the extra eighth note on beat 4 and use the high tom rather than the snare. If you add a Four On The Floor style kick pattern under this it sounds quite a lot like Enter Sandman by Metallica.
- Learn the grooves above at a tempo of at least 125bpm.
- Create your own versions of these grooves.
- Use these grooves as the 'A' or 'B' section of a Phrased Pattern.
Listed below are some four bar phrases using both Simple Tom Grooves along with these new variations.