Double Stroke Roll In Groups Of Two And Four || A Free Rudiment Lesson

In this free rudiment lesson you will continue expanding your ideas for moving a double stroke roll around the kit while improving both hand stamina and accuracy while getting more confident with the sticking. In the examples given on this page you will be combining blocks of two and four and moving across various different drums. Very similar ideas have been covered already and you can find links to these at the bottom of the page. The given examples will also work nicely as fills so experiment with combining each exercise with a bar of groove.

None of the given examples include feet, when you are comfortable with the movements try adding in various ideas for the kick and hi hat. This will increase the difficulty slightly but will make the parts sound cooler and willl help build your multi limb co-ordination. Use the given orchestrations as a start point to create your own versions of this free rudiment lesson.

Rudiment Orchestration Exercise 1

Double stroke roll played as groups of two and four

Double Stroke Roll Exercise 2

Free rudiment lesson.

Orchestration 3

Double stroke roll orchestration.

Double Stroke Roll Example 4

Free  double stroke roll lesson.

Exercise 5

Double stroke roll played as groups of two and four

Exercise 6

Free rudiment lesson.


  • Using the 2 Minute Rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.
  • Create your own orchestrations using this free rudiment lesson concept.
  • Experiment with various different feet patterns in all exercises.
  • Use this orchestration with other rudiment stickings.
  • Combine each exercise with a groove, turning it into a fill.


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