Ratamacue With Second Stroke Accents

Ratamacue With Second Stroke Accents || Free Online Drumscore resources, easy to follow step by step online drum lessons for all

Ratamacue With Second Stroke Accents

In this lesson you will be applying accents at various points in the bar, always on the second stroke of the triplet using a left hand in standard sticking. Remember, an accented note is played slightly louder so it stands out from all the other notes. The symbol for an accent is the '<' sign above the note and accents are identified in the sticking with a capital letter. These movements will be similar to those used in a Single Stroke 4 but those grace notes have been added in.

In each exercise multiple sticking variations are given for sticking meaning some accents fall on the right and some on the left. Whichever hand you use, the volume of each accent should be the same. The two common rhythmic variants are also given and at no point in either will there be a stroke played on count 2.

Exercise 1

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 2

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 3

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 4

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 5

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 6

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 7

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 8

Accenting a ratamacue

Exercise 9

Accenting a ratamacue


  • Place accents at various other places in the bar.
  • Add feet into the exercises above.
  • Orchestrate the exercises above.
  • Apply accents to other rudiments.