Single Stroke Roll Accents Lesson: Syncopated '332'

In this single stroke roll accents lesson you will be adding a set of syncopated accents using a set grouping of sixteenth notes. Applying this slightly more complicated movement to the single stroke roll is a little easier than other rudiments as you don't have to worry about complicated sticking or breaks in rhythm. The grouping you will follow for these exercises is described as a '333' rhythm. This means you play two groups of three semi quavers followed by a block of two semi quavers, all with out a break. When played straight on the snare this will just sound like a standard run of sixteenths, but when you start accenting the first of each block things get a bit more interesting and you really hear the new rhythm coming in.

If you do a quick bit of maths you will notice that the pattern fills eight semi-quavers, so only takes up half a bar. The examples given below use a couple of different placements, see if you can think of others.

When playing the given exercises, keep a very close eye on technique, particularly stick heights around the switch between accented and standard strokes. If you are finding any of the movements here uncomfortable, have a look at some of the exercises linked at the bottom of the page. There are some simpler single stroke roll acccent patterns that will help you build up to these slightly more complex movements.

As I say at some point in most lessons, start playing at a much lower tempo and only start building up speed when you can play the given example consistantly over several repitions.

Syncopated Single Stroke Roll Accents Exercise 1

Play the grouping once in the first half of the bar.

Syncopated accents in a single stroke roll

Single Stroke Roll Accents Exercise 2

Play the grouping once in the second half of the bar.

A syncopated accent exercise.

Syncopated Exercise 3

Play the grouping twice to fill the whole bar.

A single stroke roll exercise.

Single Stroke Roll Syncopated Accents Exercise 4

Play the grouping over counts 2 and 3. This is an unusual one but has a pretty uniquie sound.

Accents in a single stroke roll

Single Stroke Roll Exercise 5

Keep playing sixteenth notes but accent an eighth note '332'.

A single stroke roll exercise.


  • Place accents in various other places.
  • Add feet into the exercises above.
  • Orchestrate the exercises above.
  • Add accents to other rudiments.
  • Reverse the sticking.


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