Creating the half time version of the paradiddle diddle groove from the common time version works exactly the same as with any other groove, switch the snares from being on beats 2 and 4 and just play one on beat 3. We'll start out with this played as eighth notes and the hands for the groove look like this:
Spend some time getting familiar with the movement of the hands for the groove before proceeding to add bass drums.
Full Groove Examples
Adding kicks will be very similar to the previous lesson. I won't give anything too complex here, just simple eighth and quarter note style patterns.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
- Learn the grooves above up to a tempo of at least 130bpm.
- Create some 4 bar phrases using these grooves.
- Experiment with switching from common to half time.