In this lesson you will be learning a simple right hand variation for 12/8 grooves that is similar to ideas applied within the time signature of 6/8. All you will do is take a standard eighth note right hand part and add an extra sixteenth note on the first note of each block of three. This adds another layer of rhythmic interest to the part and is pretty easy to play. At the bottom of the page you will find links to lessons that will help the learning process during this page. This includes stamina exercises for the hand as this will be pushed in the examples below.
The right hand is the important part to focus on in this lesson and if you have tried similar grooves previously this shouldn't be too problematic. Once you can play the 16th notes evenly various different kick and snare ideas from any previous groove concept lesson can be applied underneath. The right hand pattern looks like this:
Spend some time getting comfortable playing your right hand in this way then work through some of the grooves below.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all grooves up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.
- Create your own variations on these patterns using the concept given. Write as many down as possible.
- Apply the groove to a phrased pattern.