Sticking For The Double Stroke Roll In 6/4

The double stroke roll is a straight forward rudiment that involves playing two even strokes with each hand over a set note value. This has been applied as crotchets, quavers and semi quavers within the several time signatures and in this lesson you will be switching this to 6/4. If you have covered the 4/4 version of this lesson the exercises given here will be much easier and you can find this linked at the bottom of the page. The intention with this lesson is more about familiarizing you with the new time signature and how the double stroke sticking feels within it.

In most cases the rudiment fits nicely within the even numbered time signature, you generally just get more blocks of double stroke roll than you would in 4/4. The only exception is when the rudiment is played as quarter notes and this takes two bars to resolve back on itself.

Listed below are three versions of the double stroke applied to the time signature of 6/4 at played across three different rhythms. Both standard and reverse sticking has been applied, be sure to learn the rudiment with both.

Exercise 1

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as crotchets. The pattern needs to be played over four bars to end in a comfortable place. Notice that in some cases the double stroke is split over the bar line.

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as crotchets.

Exercise 2

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as quavers. The pattern needs to be played over two bars to end comfortable but there are no doubles over the bar line this time.

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as quavers.

Exercise 3

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as semi quavers. The pattern fits nicely into one bar.

A Double Stroke Roll in 6/4 as semi quavers.


  • Learn the three patterns up to a temp of at least 130bpm.
  • Add feet to the parts.
  • Orchestrate the parts.
  • Apply the sticking to other time signatures.
  • Apply different rudiment stickings in 6/4.


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