Sticking For The Ratamacue

The ratamacue takes the single stroke 4 sticking and adds in drags on every quarter note, much like the flam accent did with single stroke triplets and flams. This creates a very busy rhythm that requires good stick control in terms of both note placement and dynamics. At the bottom of the page you will find a collection of links to lessons you may find useful when learning this part.

Below I have shown four versions of this rudiment, a note on what is happening is included in each.

Exercise 1

A Ratamacue with each beat starting on the right.

A ratamacue starting on the right.

Exercise 2

A Ratamacue with each beat starting on the left.

A ratamacue starting on the left.

Exercise 3

A Ratamacue with alternate sticking, starting on the right.

A ratamacue with alternate sticking starting on the right.

Exercise 4

A Ratamacue with alternate sticking, starting on the left.

A ratamacue with alternate sticking starting on the left.


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get all 4 exercises up to a tempo of at least 135bpm.
  • Experiment with adding feet as both quarter and eighth notes.
  • Apply some standard orchestrations.


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