1 e + Double Kick Groove Exercise

In this lesson you will be applying a simple sixteenth note grouping to the feet then placing different groove ideas over the top of it. This will help improve co-ordination between your limbs and provide further ideas for part construction. The movements shown are very common in metal based genres, particularly when combined with other sixteenth note rhythms. This doesn't mean they aren't applicable to other style of music though.

The rhythm you will be focusing on through this page is the straight '1 e +' you will have come across many times. You will be playing this on the feet using a single stroke sticking, giving you 'R L R'. As discuseed in previous lessons, this is essentially a sixteenth note single stroke roll with all notes on the 'a' counts left off. The gaps in the rhythm this leaves can be tricky, it may take a little practice to get used to the 'stop-start' motion of the exercise. It is well worth the work though as little breaks in rhythm like that can make a part sound far more interesting.

At the bottom of the page you will find a list of useful lessons that may help if you haven't tried parts like this before.

Basic Rhythm

We'll start off with the pattern the feet will play through all basic groove exrecises on this page and as I said above, this is just a straight '1e+' rhythm played over the two feet. In this first piece of notation I have included rests to highlight how this really is just a straight set of sixteenths with a break put in by using rests on the 'a' count.

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.

Then here is the same exercises using standard notation.

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.

At this point you should make sure you can play the rhythm over several bars at a fairly high tempo, 140bpm plus would be ideal. Next, let's add in some right hands. In the notation below the rhythm is shown with a crotchet right hand on the left and a quaver right hand on the right. In both of these examples the right hand falls inline with a right foot.

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.

Adding Snares

In the next step you will give the pattern above more of a 'groove' feel by adding in snares. This is shown below in the three main placements learned back in level 1. As with the right hand, snares will always fall inline with a right foot. It is important that your placement is accurate to prevent the part becoming sloppy. Each example is shown with both quarter and eighth note right hands.

Common Time

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.

Half Time

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.

Double Time

Developing double kick grooves using a 1e+ rhythm.


  1. Using the 2 minute rule, aim to get the exercises up to a tempo of at least 140bpm.
  2. Vary the rhythm of the right hand to create further groove patterns.
  3. Add in some 16th note snares on the 'a' count. This can make some really cool patterns.
  4. Use this groove construction method to constuct a short piece.


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