In this lesson you will be learning another variation on the A A B C structure that is going to involve some kind of stop or pause for the 'C' bar. As in all other examples 'A' will be a groove and this time 'B' will be some kind of fill or variation to lead into the stop. This is an obvious pattern to follow if the piece you are playing to involves a stop in the fourth bar of a section but can also be affective when applied just to the drum part. This style of pattern becomes particularly useful as the last or mid line of a longer phrase, I will show some examples of this in a later lesson.
To lead in to the stop any kind of fill or variation on the main groove will work. The stop in the 'C' section could fall at any point in the bar, so could be a full bar stop, a half bar stop or any other length. I will show various examples below.
The structure for this idea looks like this:
Listed below are several example of this structure with a drum kit part applied. I have used a variety of different construction ideas and time signatures but feel free to create your own parts.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all phrases up to a tempo of at least 130bpm.
- Create your own versions of these patterns based on the original phrase.