In this lesson you will be creating full bar fills from a Single Stroke Triplet. The fills on there own shouldn't be too hard if you have learned the rudiment already, the difficulty will come in switching to and from a standard bar of 4/4 groove. To help with the time you may find This Exercise useful.
Each exercise contains a bar of groove followed by a triplet fill. The groove is included to highlight the importance of practicing switching from groove to fill. A note has been given on the construction of the fill in each example also.
Example 1
Straight groups of three moving around the four drums. Each time the voice is changed a different hand is used to start the grouping.
Example 2
Each numbered count is played on a different time while all other strokes stay on the snare.
Example 3
A staggered grouping made of four notes followed by two notes which is played twice.
Example 4
Move around three different drums followed by three notes on the snare, then play it twice.
Example 5
Play all notes on the snare except beats 1 and 3 which are played on crashes.
Example 6
Play the first note on a tom followed by snares then on beat 3, move around the three toms in groups of two.
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of at least 135bpm.
- Add each example into one of the structures we have covered previously.
- Create your own fill pattern using these concepts.
- Use various feet patterns in each fill.