Counting Quavers With The Left Foot

In this concept you will be learning another way of keeping time with the left foot in a similar way to our lesson on Counting Quarter Notes With The Left Foot. As mentioned in the linked lesson, this only really works when the right hand is not playing the hi hat. Whilst this does add an extra layer of rhythm to the groove, at this point its main purpose is time keeping. It is quite useful when a groove gets more complex as it adds a sort of 'latching point' to the pulse. In later lesssons we will discuss the idea of using this concept as a replacement for the rigth hand part of a groove to free the right hand up to play something else.

Applying this concept is quite simple, take an existing groove and add eighth notes on the left foot underneath. Several examples of this are added below. It may be worth going through some of our Foot Strength/Stamina lessons before attempting these grooves. Some of these patterns will present a challenge for your co ordination. Don't be afraid to slow the parts down or to break them up into smaller sections to help sort these potential issues.

Example 1

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 2

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 3

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 4

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 5

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 6

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 7

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes

Example 8

A groove where the left foot counts quarter notes


  • Learn the grooves above up to a tempo of at least 140bpm.
  • Apply the concept to different grooves.
  • Create some 4 bar phrases using these grooves.
  • Within the 4 bar pattern, try to keep the eighth note count going under the fill.

Example Piece

A short piece using the concept from this lesson


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